What happens when you have too many TV series to choose from? You can't possibly watch all could you? Of course not.
Personally, I try not to follow more than 10 TV series. It gives me a headache as I have to remember when to download them.
So these are my latest 9:
#1 Desperate Housewives

I have been following this series since it started. A big fan and will always be. It is one of the best series that never gets boring over time, unlike the new ones that die out pretty quickly.
#2 Family Guy

I started watching FG when a friend introduced me to it. I remember insulting the series because of a talking baby, but now I'm in love with Stewie. Even though this series is pretty slow some days, but it is a great one to waste your time on.
#3 90210

Initially I wasn't interested in this one, but as I picked it up, it got so much better.
One of the best series I always look forward to.
#4 The Vampire Diaries

I started watching this series because I read the books. And even though the story and plot does not follow the book completely, it is still pretty good. Unlike the Secret Circle, which is by the same author of The Vamp Diaries, which was such a bore that I quit watching it after 2 episodes.
#5 Glee

I'm not a gleek, but I do enjoy Glee. It isn't my favourite series, but it is very entertaining. How can I not watch Blaine, in all his hotness, singing and dancing?!
#6 The Walking Dead

Just like The Vampire Diaries, I decided to watch this series because I picked up the comic in the beginning of this year. The comic is great, the series not so. The only reason why I'm still watching this is because I want to see how true to the comic this series is going to stay.
#7 Pretty Little Liars

It's the younger version of Desperate Housewives, well, sort of. I wasn't big on this series at first, and then it got interesting and so I continued watching it. Not my fav though.
#8 Grimm

This is a new TV series. It has a similar flow as Supernatural, but the only difference is that it ain't ghosts, instead it's fairy tales gone scary. I love the cinematography and the editing, and I love how they twist the fairy tale concept into horror. I personally enjoyed it.
(Even though I very much disliked Supernatural)
#9 Once Upon a Time

Also a new TV series, in which a friend introduced. I think, by far, this is my new fav series. It has so much fantasy that I'm immediately in love with it. You should check it out if you are a fantasy lover like me. Yes, go check it out right now! Highly recommended.
I have a feeling the zombie fever is over and the fantasy bug has just swept across the entertainment industry. I'm so looking forward for more!!!
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