Sunday, September 2, 2012

I'm in love with...

... Tang Dynasty dresses.

They are just so pretty! I intend on having my own (with a simple and elegant design; not a fan of the gaudy looking ones) and wearing it on my wedding dinner. 

The first time I saw a Tang Dynasty dress was when watching a Tang Dynasty TVB drama, "Beyond The Realm of Conscience", and since then, I only watch Tang Dynasty TVB dramas. I was never fond of modern day TVBs and I would only watch those of the olden days, but never was I so fond of their costumes. 

Hence,  I now look out for other Tang Dynasty TVBs so that I can download them and watch all 30 episodes for the following 3 days. 

(Wow.. I've mentioned Tang Dynasty too many times...)

Here's the list of shows I have watched and intend to watch:
- Beyond the Realm of Conscience ☑
- Can't Buy Me Love ☑
- House of Harmony and Vengeance ☑
- The Greatness of a Hero ☐ 
- Twin of Brothers ☐ 
- Lady Fan ☐ 
- The Legend of Lady Yang ☐  

Personally, I wish each series that I have watched could continue and not stop, just like American TV series'. If only they had seasons. 

So, if you're a TVB fan, try checking out the Tang stuff, they are indeed pretty awesome. If you don't understand Cantonese, then just read the subtitles like me :) 

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