Thursday, December 19, 2013

Flying Cauldron’s Butterscotch Beer

Let me first make it clear… I did not fancy it. That would explain why I did not fancy Starbucks’ Butterbeer too. They tasted very similar even with different textures.

Flying Cauldron, the ‘fictional’ counterpart to The Three Broomsticks, has been around since 1374. Its ‘fictional’ counterpart to Butterbeer is also known as Butterscotch Beer.

I bought 3 bottles at RM6.99 each from Jaya Grocer in Empire Mall, thinking it would taste much better than the Starbucks version. Little did I know, they tasted the same. They were both sweet, with a strong vanilla and buttery flavour. The only difference is the texture, which changed the density of the drink.

Starbucks’ version was very sweet and rich. Flying Cauldron’s was flat with a tingling sensation from the gas. I would not give the Starbucks version another try because it was too sweet even for a sweet tooth like me. And the last bottle of Butterscotch Beer in my fridge… will be my last.

Yesterday, I gulped down one bottle after dinner while watching Survivor Reunion and at one point, I thought, “This tastes like medicine.”

I like cough syrups, but I won’t drink a whole bottle for fun.

Anyway, I’m not saying Butterbeer is horrible. In fact, I think a lot of people like it and it has an interesting flavour. It’s just not the beverage for me. I am most probably one of those Hogwarts students that only entered The Three Broomsticks for their pies.

That being said, if you are a Harry Potter fan, you HAVE to try Butterbeer or Butterscotch Beer. It is part of the Harry Potter universe and it is your duty to give it a go. Like it or not, at least you can proudly say you have tasted it.

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